
Showing posts from December, 2008

Man In Middle Attacks-How reliable are Certificates

I came across this article on one of the groups on Business networking site. what I understand is they are talking about dummy certificates which are being issued by some of the certifiers without any validation.In this case apparently the person has got a certificate in the name of Mozilla. such certificates may give additional credibility to bogus sites. Text of message from the site "In a previous article I reported about Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attacks and if they really happen. Unfortunately it does happen as some testimonials confirm. Now itâ(TM)s even easier because in the attack described previously, untrusted certificates from an unknown issuer were used. Want to make the attack perfect with no error and fully trusted certificate? No problem, just head over to one of Comodoâ(TM)s resellers. In an unrelated event which was briefly mentioned at the mailing list of Mozilla, something st...
Hi Friends Its been a while from the time we got about getting this blog for use, myself and my good friend Charanjeet had a lot of thoughts , ideas, to take through readers who may find this blog useful. The purpose of this for both of us is for clear non-profit and for the passion of the work we do in the Fraud Risk Managment Industry both india and for APAC countries for many similarities we share on people, profile, risks, enviornment, legal eagles,poor conviction rates, corrpuption and bribery, and greed . This post comes on the last working day of 2008 , and trust we both will be able to update regular posts from January 2009. I want this blog to be one of its kind in the anals of Fraud Risk Management in india , to share, to learn and finally un-learn to adapt and be quich change leaders for the enviornment and conditions that prevail and will contniue to preval till at least June 2009. Wishing all of you a very happy and prosperous 2009, looking forward to your support, quest...