News at any cost?-Is it good for business in long term
After reading about the News Corp, i wonder whether business owners would realize that one has to be ethical in all business dealings and how important it is to ensure right culture is established in the organization. Some overzealous leader may have thought that as long as they are able to get stories all is fair and it may have worked for them in past but what is the eventual cost of such actions. In this particular case, for now, they seem to have lost a good deal, paper had to be shut down and all sorts of adverse publicity. Fraud management is treated as a expenditure but such incidents prove that it's a sound business investment. I assume that board was not aware of such acts and had they identified this on their own and take action, cost to them may not have been this high. News Corp abandons BSkyB bid Rupert Murdoch has withdrawn News Corp’s planned bid to take full control of British Sky Broadcasting, amid intense political pressure. The decision, announced on Wednesda...