Next Steps in times of Turmoil

Further to my earlier posting on what Fraud Managers should do for 2009, its important to ensure the Fraud Work is completely understood by most importantly the CEO and to the Board of Directors , Business Heads.

Please revisit the number of times the Fraud Managers interact with Policy, Audit, Compliance,Credit Teams in your respective orgnaisations. Your monthly updates, business newsletters go to who all ? Is the content simple ? Is it only data we are showing ? Patterns ?
Most of our front end activity reflects the poor sourcing and weak customer accqustion process, have we been able to significantly impact on this with inputs that can benefit the orgnaisation.

How can fraud managers help business managers achive targets ? Are you all marked in all marketing plans, target market testing , invitation for town house or calls on business perfomance reviews ? Are you and most importantly your teams also invited to all the business conferences, reviews, that happen in your orgnisation.

Good correct visablity and projection of our work and related activities are critical to be relooked at and re-postioned today given the poor enviornment we are all facing with, apart from the shocks we are reading in the news papers. Are you aware of the shocks in your orgnisations ? Are you in a postion to give it mature form to people who will benefit and be effective change leaders ?

It would do all of us good to shed our egos, professional differences and look ahead with hope !


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